* Grab some cocktail napkins with monograms or pictures on them at the nearest Target or gift store like The Chandlery in Roswell. I like ones with some witty sarcastic saying on them, in particular. I had some recently that said "I drink to make others more interesting" and they were pink with a swank-looking girl on them :)
* These photo coasters at Crate and Barrel could be fun with some snapshots of you and the hostess added inside - a personalized gift for under $20.
* Have you been to a party where someone broke out the wine aerator? This gadget is great for guys too - and everyone will want to use it right away on the nearest bottle. Pick one up

* One friend left a great idea (thanks!) in the comments of the Part I post - put together a collection of cheeses (Trader Joe's has a ton and they are all well-priced), and add in a cheese knife to go with it. They have lots of cheese knives at any of the stores mentioned above. You could also pick out one new block of cheese to try, and add to it a jam or chutney to use with it on crackers.
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