Carrie: And to which boyfriend are we referring?
Miranda: My boyfriend, TiVo.
In Season 6 of Sex and the City, Miranda admits her affair with a technology that so many of us were also newly in love with. TiVo, that miraculous contraption that records everything you want and nothing that you don't, has more recently become my new love all over again. I have rediscovered its powers - there's nothing that quite compares to the feeling of coming home after a long day and being able to watch the last Gossip Girl right when I want to, and get to fast forward through all the annoying commercials.

Anyways, I know a lot of us have TiVo now. But what I really have loved about it recently has been searching for movies to record, something that you might not have done beyond the usual Season Pass of Grey's or CSI. This is especially cool if you don't have Netflix like me.
Here's the lowdown - Home Menu --> Find Programs --> Record by Time or Channel --> Browse by Channel. Then put in channels that show a lot of movies. I am an old-movie buff so I like to see what's on TCM, but then AMC, FX, USA, and TBS all show movies a lot too. Then you can manually just click through 2 week's worth of programming lineups and see what's coming up. Recently, I have been able to catch up on some "recent" flicks out in theaters that I never got to see, like Cinderella Man, We Are Marshall, and Varsity Blues (ok that one was really old, but thank goodness for TiVo because I fast forwarded through a ton of it haha).
What movies have you caught recently this way and loved? Any good ones coming up I should program to record?
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