Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What are you thankful for?

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and we are all just crazy right now, running around getting last-minute ingredients, picking people up at the airport, grabbing pillows for extra guests.

I dare you stop for a minute. While you are sitting at that red light. Or waiting for the pie to bake. Or even while you are sitting here right now. Think about what you are thankful for. Really - take a minute and ponder it. People always say "what are you thankful for?" but who actually sits there and thinks about it for real? And it's funny, once you do, it's amazing, but you can't help but feel pretty great about your life!

Here are a 5 of mine. I'd love to hear yours, too. I hope you will share 5 things that make you happy to be here for this upcoming holiday season.

I am thankful for....

  • The love of my family and friends and loved ones;

  • Little things that make me smile each day; 

  • Our friend Anissa, and that she is fighting more and more each day to get well; 

  • The ability to see my family from out of town this month and next for the holidays, too; 

  • My new friends that I have made through this blog, Twitter, and other places online, you all are awesome!

  • Happy Thanksgiving! I am out of town for the next few days, so I will post when I return.



    The POSHpreneur said...

    That is a sweet post :) My 5 things are:

    1) A healthy family
    2) A job
    3) Real life friends
    4) Working at home
    5) another baby on the way :)

    Unknown said...

    I love your list! Congrats on the new baby en route!

    Anonymous said...

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