And when I saw snowed, I mean flurried.
And when I say flurried, I mean for about an hour with little accumulation.
But that, my friends from places other than Atlanta, was enough to ice down the streets here. And we have no salt or plows (in fact, rumor on Twitter this morning from the AJC is that Atlanta has FOUR snow plows. Four?!) so the streets are still icy today, and the city pretty much is waiting for the ice to melt. And it's not getting above freezing today.
But that did give some of us the day off, others (me!) a delayed opening, and others, well, sorry you had to still drive to work at 7am haha.
But at least it's Friday! Enjoy the day today, everyone, knowing that tomorrow is Saturday - the first since we got back from vacay and so of course it's a well-deserved one :)
PS. Even Georgia Tech is shut down today?! Why did that not happen EVER in my 5 years there, despite way worse snow and ice conditions? They are getting soft, I tell you.... But this shot from the AJC of kids on West Campus is pretty cute in the meantime.
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