Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New year, new look!

I am super excited - today I changed up my hairstyle for the first significant time in probably over 5 years! I have always had the same side part and swoopy bangs. The only thing that was really varying was the length. I'd grow it long and sleek, and then chop it off for a bob. Same profile though.

So I was restless, and have decided to change up the cut itself. I modeled my desired look after Reese:

And had my hairdresser at Van Michael Salon in Buckhead cut bangs and tons of layers in a shorter new cropped 'do:

What do you think? I am excited!! I can wear the bangs slightly over, or straight down like my hair dresser did them above.


Laura Scholz said...

Love it! Super cute! I'm trying to decide what to do with mine!

Anonymous said...

I love! You definitely can pull that hairstyle.

Unknown said...

Very cute. Van Michael Buckhead is the best!

Ashley Judge said...

Upgrade! I really like it :)I've been going to the Aveda Institue in Buckhead--not really great for getting a new 'do, but for $15 you can get a basic cut, face, hand and shoulder massage, AND a warm-towel hair condition. Not shabby.... :)

Richard Nose said...

I love how BB appears to be about saving money and then you go to VM. Haha. I guess I'm embarrassed to admit that I go to VM as well.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Thanks ladies!! Ashley - I have heard good things about the Aveda Institute, and you can't beat $15!! And RN - haha, maybe I should have started this post by saying, I waited an abnormally long time to get my hair cut because my December budget was way too tight for it? :P Can't leave my hairdresser, but can definitely spread out my appointments to make them more cost-effective in this tight time.

Richard Nose said...

I'm just giving you a hard time. I think it looks very nice. By the way, my friends call me Dick.