But the latest edition of Atlanta magazine will!
Pick up the latest edition at a newsstand by you, or download the list for 99 cents when they post it online (not posted yet though, weird?). That's a pretty good deal for a whole list of Atlanta Staycation ideas!
I actually really enjoy Atlanta Magazine on an ongoing basis. It is one of the magazines I might splurge on for a subscription, because it always has great articles of local-interest. Area people who are making a difference through their charities, great new restaurants to try out, and city way-of-life articles about commuting and green efforts are popular topics. In every issue, they have an appendix of the top city dining destinations, too, if you are in the need of somewhere new but established for a meal on the town.
This February issue is perfect if you are looking for some things to brighten up these drearier winter weekends. I can't wait to check it out when it goes live online - they will definitely inspire some of my upcoming Staycation posts. Even better, I bet that a lot of these things are going to be low-cost or even free, like hiking up Stone Mountain to see a sunrise for only the $10 parking pass fee - how cool does that sound!!
I bought their best school issue last month. Lame. No analysis, just fluffy write ups on schools that paid to advertise. I know the publishing industry is down, but still...
Hmm yeah, good call on that type of info. I guess I try to take the magazine generally for what it's usually worth - a fluffy, local-interest magazine. Almost like my favorite local radio personalities, bloggers, and TV show hosts got together to write up their favs :)
I see the Panda is on the cover... Too bad it's going back to China. :(
Thanks for the tip! I will be sure to check that out.
I know, the sad Pandas!! And BB - let me know what you find!
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