I finally got to check out Noon|Midtown today for lunch - and oh my goodness, what a perfect day for it. Granted, having to go out in this sleety mess was not a treat, but the restaurant's menu paid off - it is a great cold-weather meal. If you are already following them on Twitter, you know what I mean when I say that their tweets about daily soup specials make me absolutely salivate. Like the one from earlier today:

Drool. And look at that grilled cheese special. The tweets are literally that tasty-sounding every day. Today I had both of the specials - the grilled cheese was insane, and I totally want to make a poblano soup at home now.
Noon|Midtown is on Crescent Ave in Midtown, right next to Ri Ra. It's a close drive if you are in downtown or on the Westside, and they actually even deliver to you lucky Midtown folks. They specialize in breakfast and lunch, so are only open until 3pm on weekdays. I am going to try and hit them up on a Saturday soon though - they would be a perfect take-out for an afternoon at Piedmont Park. Their European-inspired menu reminds me a lot of another one of my favorites, Alon's Bakery (over in the Highlands, or up at Perimeter), and the prices are very reasonable for the gourmet fare they serve up.
Have you been to Noon before? What is your favorite thing to order?
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