So when it gets to March each year, I can't help but get excited to plan for 3/17. I've been heading out in Buckhead on this night for as long as I can remember. Some were higher-end nights (2008 when we helped re-open the new Fado and it was VIP only, so fun!), others were a bit more chaotic (2005 when we jumped the fence (Sigh. Yes. Have done that. Pathetic.) at Peachtree Tavern, of all places, to drink some cheap green beer). But always, I am in green, having a beer, and enjoying the company of friends.
This year, however, our crowd is (thankfully) sick of the over-priced scene. Between all the holidays like Halloween and Cinco de Mayo, we are tired of paying a pricey cover just to get into an over-crowded bar, and then paying upwards of $7 for a beer. Plus more for food. And more for cab fare. What a mess.
So this year, we are staying in. My brother and I are cooking up the full Irish feast - corned beef, carrots, red potatoes, and Irish soda bread. Lots of butter and salt and green beer. People are bringing some cash for the food, and then whatever beer they want. It will be low-key, full of our own green-festiveness and my fav Pandora Irish music channel. And you know what? I am more excited for this than I usually am for the bar!
What are your plans for the holiday? Has the economy shifted how you plan for these nights at all?
PS. Slainte: pronounced "Slan-cha." Means "health." A common Irish toast - use it at your house on Wednesday!
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