Have you ever ventured up Buford Highway? People swear by the local Korean BBQ or Vietnamese sandwich shops, and I know I have had some tasty goodness in some of it's Mexican and Indian restaurants. In fact, the Blissful Glutton has a whole tag associated with the area on her site. For those of you that are timid to try new things, especially when it means ordering off a menu you can't read, check out her posts or any from the AJC for some "safer" places frequented by intowners. I am already planning my immediate trip to Chef Liu's for some of the dumpling magic. Perhaps next week...
... But I am too easily distracted by food. What I really was going to share with you today was a little gem of a shop waaaay up Buford Highway. While in college, news spread around our group of girls of a new jewelry shop that boasted earrings at $3 a pair, necklaces for only $5, and knock-off purses and knick-knacks galore.
And so off we trekked, in our little cars, up the 7 miles or so past our favorite margarita stand Pancho's, past the Buford Hwy Farmer's Market, past road signs that changed both characters and countries from strip mall to strip mall. The only thing we knew to look for at that time (pre-Google Maps on phones) was a BP Gas station on the left (or was it a Shell? the details escape me now). Yep, that's it. Oh, and we knew the name: Hur's Wholesale Jewelry Mart.
In the mood for some new accessories? This is your place. But first a word of caution -- don't expect a high-end department store selection. This is cheap, fun costume-y jewelry. Think the fun earrings you will wear to the club on a Saturday night, or the bright blue beaded necklace to accent your Target sundress for the summer. Nothing that will break the bank if you damage or lose it. For example, this unique clustered necklace is on the high-end of Hur's prices at $17.95...

But these earrings are a steal at $3.95.

One of my favorite perks to the store is that they have college-branded EVERYTHING -- bracelets, necklaces, keychains...

Like this $5.95 bracelet that is now on my list since I will be headed to an Auburn game or two this year. I have been before, but as the foe. A much-hated foe, too, since we kicked their butts at home for their home opener :P This time, I will be going as a fan, and need to wear team spirit! :)
Thanks to the technology that is called the Internet, Hur's has a fancy new website where you can virtu-shop right from your chair. But don't. Take my word for it, and make the drive up there. The store's size is almost overwhelming. Stop along the way for some Chinese food at some place you can't read the name of, and make an afternoon out of it with a gal pal or two.
And don't forget to let me know how your adventure goes!

Love Hurs! I discovered this place in high school and have been getting cheap jewelry there ever since :) I will have to check out the new website too.
Yay for cheap jewelry! I guess great minds think alike right? :) I always go there for costume jewelry for Halloween, functions, etc too.
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