Thursday, December 9, 2010

Shoes for the Cure

Every year around the holidays, our office has a drive for an area cause. Past drives have benefited local shelters and groups looking for toys, clothes and canned goods. I am especially excited this year, because we are coming together to raise items for a new cause -- Shoes for the Cure.

So what is Shoes for the Cure? They are a professional recycling program specializing in collecting new and used footwear. They host shoe drives, placing recycling bins like the one to the right at any location at no cost. All shoes collected are used either as gifts to the less fortunate, or as raw material to be used as surface material for tracks, tennis courts, playgrounds etc.

I even love their tag line: “Have a soul, give a sole, save a soul.” How fantastic!

The best part, though, is that it isn't just our office participating in the name of this great cause. The entire Peachtree Center complex, all seven towers of us in Downtown Atlanta, is helping out!

So while you are busy wrapping gifts and visiting with family over the next week or two, take a look around your closets and your garages, and see if you have a few extra pairs laying around. Let me know if you'd like to donate them to the Peachtree Center shoe drive, and I'd be happy to pick them up from you if you are nearby. Our drive goes through Dec. 15, but of course I know Shoes for the Cure would love to set up a similar bin at a church or school near you, too.
