Note the word "sometimes." I really should say "rarely." You'd think that with my extended holiday break, the snowstorm insanity, and all sorts of open weekends over the last few weeks, I would have had a lot of time to think, draft and save goodies for this blog for busy weeks ahead.
Instead, I recharged. I rested. I mentally and physically logged off. Because you know what? If bloggers don't do that sometimes, they go wacko. They start losing steam, or repeating themselves with old content. I know this because today I was thinking, oh wow, I really should talk about OysterFest, which is right around the corner!
Oh right, I did that last year :P
Side note: Who is going to Fest this year? We are thinking brunch and Bloodies at the condo that Saturday, followed by pre-party time at our friend's apartment next door to the main event. Yes? Yes?
Being a blogger can be tough. But oh my goodness, it has been so fun. Which brings me to my point for today. It's Tuesday, after all, so time for a tribute...

The Good and the Bad :P
1. Keep an eye/ear out for the latest all the time. I mean, this one is obvious, but it's gotten to where I have caught myself making mental notes after seeing interesting commercials, and tearing out magazine pages to use later. My mind is all over the place!
2. Make lists. I am already super OCD, so this one plays naturally into it. If I am on a roll blogging, I have a list of topics already drafted up, even if just in title-form.
3. I am not anonymous. This is obviously true in the days of Facebook. But now random friends of friends of friends are telling me, hey I read your blog! This always amazes and humbles me.Thank you to everyone who has helped spread this little blog around.
4. How to be positive. I wrote about this last year and it really hit home with people. I hate reading posts and updates that always complain. Wouldn't we all do better with more upbeat, positive thoughts?
5. Pacing myself is crucial. There are nights and weekends when the last thing I want to do is sit back down at a computer. So I don't. And you know what? You all are still here. Thanks :)
6. The world is bigger than Atlanta. Well, the blog didn't teach me this one. I have always had an interest in sharing things from elsewhere around the globe, but it's just come to life when I write a blog that is titled after our fair city. I have readers in lots of states (hello, CA and TX regulars!) and so I try to balance topics accordingly.
7. Variety is key. Key to this blog's success -- my male readers wouldn't stick around long, after all, if all I did was post about fashion! Key to my own sanity. Key to my inspiration. Just like our workouts, keeping things new and different pays off in the long run.
8. Not everything needs to be used for a blog post. I go out to a lot of restaurants, see movies and do things around town that never turn into a post. Besides keeping my life somewhat private (ha), not everything is blog-worthy anyways. I try to remember what other people will really want to hear about in the end.
9. Keep a sense of humor. I like to laugh at myself. It's ok when you laugh at me, too :)
10. Be ME. You like me. You all read this thing I call a blog. Thank you. And thanks for not judging when I am random, or odd, or when my sense of humor might just not strike you right. You rock!
Fellow bloggers, add to this list. What have YOU learned from blogging?

I totally needed this post today. I love blogging, but am feeling so uninspired and out of it today. This is perfect to get me going again. Thanks!
Kathryn - I am so glad, thank you! I hope you find lots of inspiration moving forward :)
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