Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary

When someone mentions brunch, you might think first of eggs, sausage and biscuits. Or of lazy Sunday afternoons spent on a patio. Perhaps of reading the Sunday newspaper while a casserole bakes in the oven.

When I say brunch, I immediately think of this:
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The Bloody Mary. Easily my favorite brunch drink. Mimosas are a close second, but honestly, I'd rather skip the OJ part and just have the champagne solo :)

But the Bloody Mary is different. The tomato juice MAKES the drink. Not usually a fan of the stuff, I find myself veering towards the juice aisle anytime there is an early-weekend event like a football tailgate or an arts festival coming up. If there will be heavy breakfast items consumed at a midday hour, by golly, I will be having a Bloody Mary, too.

People are finicky with their Bloodies. Some prefer them straight and spicy, others prefer them full of celery and garlic flavors.
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I have always wanted to have the ones with grilled shrimp skewered right on top. I skip the olive-ones though, ick. Vodka and olives are only okay when paired directly together alone. With vermouth.
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Here in Atlanta, there are great Bloodies to be had at local establishments like Park Tavern and Front Page News. There is something quite close to perfection to finishing a springtime run at the park and "refueling" with a sampling from Einstein's Bloody Mary Bar. In Buckhead, it's on my list to stroll up to Dantanna's some weekend soon to test out their selection, offered on Sundays from 12:30-5pm.

Planning a springtime breakfast event of your own? Try out my Dad's Bloody "recipe" -- it's a starting spot, open to any customization desired by the drinker. A fair warning in advance: I think Bloodies should have a kick. Otherwise they are not much more than vodka and tomato juice. So if you are feeling pansy, trim down the hot sauce and horseradish.

Malone Family Bloody Marys
Serves 6-8

32 oz. tomato juice (plain or spicy V8 are both great)
18 oz. of your preferred vodka
2/3 cup lemon juice
10-20 splashes of Worcestershire
15 slashes of hot sauce (we are Cholula lovers here)
Fresh ground pepper
1-2 tbsp. horseradish
Optional: celery salt, garlic powder, garnishes of your choice like celery or lime

Mix all above, add to ice, garnish and enjoy!
