The weekend ahead holds a fun-filled destination wedding celebrating one of my BFF's (and her awesome hubby-to-be), a low-key day in Roswell with my mom and a relaxing 4th of July spent right here in Buckhead. For a long-weekend, I think it might be hard to beat this set-up.
Before I get started on all that relaxing and fun, I am taking some me-time (you know I love me some of that!) tonight with my Tivo. I love how TV today has taken on a more cyclical-season approach; there is always something new on even though the networks' top shows run just a few months a year. Right now, I am indulging guilty pleasure time with the Kardashians and spending extra time travel-dreaming with Mr. Bourdain, both of which are shows smack in the middle of new seasons. What a treat!
Tonight? One last show with Oprah, whose afternoon hours I am already missing. Lucky for me, I had her season finale(s) saved for just the right moment, and tonight I am taking in all of her last thoughts from her final episode. In lieu of more words from me, I feel more like sharing words from her right now. What inspiration!
"Do not let the trappings here fool you. Mine is a stage in a studio, yours is wherever you are with your own reach, however small or however large that reach is. Maybe it's 20 people, maybe it's 30 people, 40 people, your family, your friends, your neighbors, your classmates, your classroom, your co-workers. Wherever you are, that is your platform, your stage, your circle of influence. That is your talk show, and that is where your power lies. In every way, in every day, you are showing people exactly who you are. You're letting your life speak for you. And when you do that, you will receive in direct proportion to how you give in whatever platform you have.
My great wish for all of you who have allowed me to honor my calling through this show is that you carry whatever you're supposed to be doing, carry that forward and don't waste any more time. Start embracing the life that is calling you and use your life to serve the world."
Miss the episode, too? Read the full finale transcript online.

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