
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fall Bookshelf Take Two

Remember those awesome lanterns I picked up from IKEA and Lowe's at a fraction of the price of the costlier home decor stores? I had about half a display, not totally ready for the Fall season ahead.

A few inexpensive additions later and I think my display is "finished" now! What do you think?

I picked up a long piece of fall leaf garland from Michael's along with some miniature pumpkins. The mini pumpkins I knew just what to do with after seeing this in the most recent Pottery Barn catalog ... 

The garland and sack of pumpkins were on sale for 50% and I tagged on a coupon to make them both just a few dollars in the end. The pumpkin on the end was a Target buy a few years back for also just a few dollars at season-end, and the gourd on the right is a hand-me-down from my mom.

All in all, this Fall bookshelf display cost me about $30, and the lanterns can be year-round with just a swap of the candles and items inside.

What do you think? Pottery Barn-feel at a Buckhead Betty price?  



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