
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Brick Walls

Every so often, this gal hits a brick wall. I may thrive on being busy, but goodness, that brick wall snuck up on me this past week and my oh my, did I hit it hard. Work has been go-go-go, my weekends have been crazed, I hadn't taken a real vacation day since April, and all in the middle, I was trying to keep up with the daily laundry, cooking, food shopping and pre-holiday shopping. Never have I crashed so hard and so early on in this festive season!

A few days' rest later, though, and I am feeling more like myself. It was worthwhile to inadvertently unplug (though I admit, I kept up with people's feeds on my phone!) and take some time to spend with family both here and far away. This season always flies by way too fast, anyways, so why not kick it off with some extra Zzz's and slow days spent fireside?

Today, a few things have me geared up and ready to go for the upcoming weeks ahead, which are mostly already booked solid with parties, meetings, travel and festive times at home. As long as I maintain these things in my daily routines, I think I will be able to arrive at the New Year a full version of myself :)
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I am proud to report that I only gained two pounds over these few days of (seriously) over-indulgence. However, I feel horrid, as I always do when I swing too far from my well-rounded diet routine, so it was a welcome change when I put on the running shoes and hit the elliptical this morning!

To keep myself inspired with a variety of athletic opportunities, I went out and purchased a new pair of swim goggles. I was a swimmer for most of my life, and this hobby has been itching for a reappearance for months now. I can't wait to check out the new LA Fitness up in Brookhaven some day soon one day this week to hit their indoor pool for a few lot of laps.

I couponed and meal-planned and shopped, and a few hours later, the pantry and fridge are stocked back up with healthy ingredients that we can use on a few well-rounded meals. Tonight, a vegetable and pasta soup has been simmering all afternoon, and we will top it off with Parmesan cheese. Can't wait!

I battled the infestation of ladybugs out on the porch (post-morning caffeine, I can be dangerous with a broom!) to pull out the boxes of holiday decor. They may still be just sitting there, but the Fall items have been packed up so I am ready to start decorating ASAP.

Last but not least, I have some fun topics to write about over the next few weeks. I am going to be welcoming a guest blogger (and paying her site a visit that day, too!), thinking about work-appropriate holiday dress attire and brainstorming great last-minute and budget-friendly gift ideas with you all.

Stay tuned, friends, because it's time for us to kick off the holiday season here on Buckhead Betty in style!


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