
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hark! Hear the (Faint) Bells!

We are getting into that time of year where most people fall into two distinct categories. There are those who want Christmas to be here already, and those who refuse to acknowledge that the season is just DAYS away (HELLO November 25!!).

Obv, I fall into the former category, as I have been listening to a Michael Buble Christmas station on Pandora for oh, about four weeks now (and yes, am listening to it again now). Nothing like that crooner to get a gal through the day. I was even able to suggest a little Chieftains action for a car ride recently. The S.O. thought that was fine and dandy ... for about 5 minutes. Sigh.

Even though he and many others I know are in that latter category, there is no denying the season is UPON US, YOU ALL. The stores switched over their merchandise weeks ago, and many of us (savvy shoppers) have been picking up gifts for months. Some of the area office buildings even have their decor up already - it's time! Other than the music and shopping, though, I do like to wait until after Thanksgiving to start the decorating. I don't mind waiting the few extra days, though, because the one decor thing I can do in advance is order the Christmas tree!

Our 2010 tree. Extra pretty in the dark :)
While tree lots abound in Buckhead, I prefer to wait for the local sale over at Sarah Rawson Smith Elementary School right here in our neighborhood. The North Buckhead Civic Association puts on an awesome tree sale there every year. The prices are amazing, plus a portion of the proceeds go to the school's PTA, so it's hard to beat. This year the sale falls on December 3 and 4. That gives me just enough time to start putting up some decor next week after Thanksgiving, and then early that next Saturday morning, we can go pick up our tree!

Last year was the first time trying out this sale (and actually, my first real tree, ever!), and I absolutely loved the whole experience. Coffee/chai in hand, we drove the few miles over to Old Ivy and got our pick of the early-bird pre-sale trees. The Frasier fir trees come in from Horney Hollow Farms in NC just the day before, and ours was top-quality, lasting through the New Year.

Here are the details: Head to the NBCA site to place your order - they take Pay Pal, so it's really easy. Anyone who orders online online by Thursday, December 2 can show up between 9 and 11am on 12/3 to get their pick. Besides getting first pick, ordering in advance will save you between $10-15 off the Day Of Sale prices.

The sale then opens to the public and runs both days from 11AM-4PM. The volunteers on hand will trim your tree's bottom so that it fits in your stand, so bring yours along. They provide some twine to tie it down, but you'd be safe in bringing some of that along, too, plus a blanket if your car needs the extra protection on top.

Happy (Early) Holidays!!



  1. I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by, so I am definitely in denial. But I', really excited for Thanksgiving (ok, stuffing and mashed potatoes) on Thursday :)

  2. I totally agree! I hope you had a great holiday :)


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