
Sunday, December 18, 2011

One More Week

This time of year sneaks up on me every. single. time! We are just one week out from vacay, my birthday, family time, the holidays, travel and almost the New Year, too. The fact that today is the 18th of December kind of blows my mind, I'm not going to lie. Where did the last three weeks go since Turkey Day?! Oh my word. The fact that I didn't get full-on stuck in Lenox Mall chaos traffic until this weekend was a miracle in and of itself, but I just can't believe all of these weeks of holiday time are going by so quickly.

In honor of all the holiday cheer we have been fitting in to our lives over the past few weeks, I have a few quick thank-yous to send out tonight! Many, many thanks to ...

* My friends! Every year, my friends are amazing and put aside an evening to celebrate not holiday-things, but instead, my birthday! The fact that Fado happened to be hosting an ugly sweater party the same night just added to the fun :) Thanks to all who made it out last night!

* The PR ladies who joined me for last week's cookie swap! What a blast. So much so, in fact, that I didn't take a single picture. Hostess fail? Perhaps. But I think the ladies all were more appreciative of my appetizers and the free-flowing wine instead, anyways :)

* The bowling gods. Check out this final score. Me versus two men (who both love to bowl), but look who also got three-digits plus the most strikes (!)

* Our tree. I seriously love it. Can you thank a tree?

* My building staff. The gift basket we brought down to them today with holiday goodies can not even express our gratitude for all that they do for us here.

* My trainer
, who kicked my booty on Saturday with an accidental solo-class when no one else showed up for the group class. This gal needs to start running ASAP again in January...

* My mom and dad
, who came to visit the condo and brought over some amazing holiday pillows for me to enjoy as an early birthday present. Love!!

I love how this red-backed pillow pops against the black and white houndstooth.

I love the big red houndstooth pillow! That and the "Let it Snow" pillow will be perfect for February/winter, too.

* Giving gifts.
It makes me so, so happy to spread joy to others. Are you still stuck on finding those last few presents? Check out my guest post from earlier this month over on My Style Vita for some ideas.

* The man. He doesn't always get a lot of dedicated shout-outs here, but he deserves a big one after this particularly fab weekend and season so far. XOXOXO

Who or what are you thankful for right now?


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Your comments make my day! Thank you!!