
Saturday, February 18, 2012

I Heart Saturdays

I am sure most of you would be with me if you had to pick a favorite day of the week and it was Saturday.

Source: via Lindsay on Pinterest

Sure, Sundays are often nice, lazy, family-oriented days, Fridays have Friday night fun attached to them, and then days like Wednesday signal the middle of the week.

But when it comes to the day when I feel the most happy, relaxed, productive and "me," it is definitely Saturday.

Source: via Tara on Pinterest

As we head into another low-key late-winter Saturday afternoon (here, it is gloomy and overcast, which is almost my favorite type of weather at this time of year!), I hope you are having a great day wherever you are.

Maybe you are like me and thrive off of leisurely trips to Tar-jay, getting in an early workout and getting all of those house chores done.

Or maybe you like to sleep in late and enjoy waffles with the weekend paper or a book at brunch.

And of course, after a day of leisure, my favorite way to celebrate is to go out for a fancy night on the town (which we are doing tonight, and I couldn't be more excited!!)

Whatever your perfect Saturday is, I hope it's a great one!


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