
Friday, January 18, 2013

Bouncing Back

I don't have much to update here today other than YAY my energy is back, and my voice mostly is, too :) While I hate weeks like this where sickness knocks your productivity down to zero, I always come out of it happy and thankful that I can get things back to normal. Ironic, since just on Sunday I was looking for a break, too. Guess that wish was granted, wasn't it? :)

In lieu of words, here are some photos of moi from many years ago that I thought you might enjoy.

Ha! I love how I knew exactly where to look to smile for the camera. Note the girl to the left. She and I were competitive. She must have been nervous to lose that totally unimportant summer league race, because look at her dad giving her a pep talk :P

I hope classrooms today still go on field trips like this one to the pumpkin patch, because it was a favorite memory of mine from childhood. Why I am so pensive on such a carefree trip, one can only imagine :) PS. I need to get a grown-up version of that sweater when we head to Ireland this spring - love it.

I was BFF with twin girls that lived around the corner in the same neighborhood. Dress-up was, of course, a favorite game. And apparently I already knew well how to strike a pose at a young age LOL.

See any similarities with the Katherine of today? :) TGIF! 


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