
Monday, March 17, 2014

Thirty, Flirty and Thriving

A few months into my thirties, and so far, so good. Not much changed overnight, of course. I didn't wake up with wrinkles, and I long ago switched to 10PM bedtimes on weekends. In general, life continues to zoom past. It feels like just days ago, I was turning 25, really understanding what John Mayer sang about a "quarter life crisis." Ha.

Time may be running past me ever quicker, but I have been trying really hard to step back and take in the little moments when I can.

Like the view from our couch, my favorite view in our home. 

Or, a lazy, impromptu lunch at home with my BFF and her 8-month old daughter. No need to worry about the menu in moments like these; chicken and roasted pepper roll-ups with a herby spread do just fine. 

Discovering the sassy feeling a lipstick can provide. Why this took me until nearly 30 to realize, I have no idea. 

Getting home early to make dinner. And having time enough to sit down at the table with my husband and eat said dinner over good conversation. 

Snapping photos of things that inspire me. Especially when budgets don't allow a splurge, I keep the photos as a reminder for the day that I have some fun money to burn. 

Open doors and windows as Spring peaks around the corner. Spring cleaning and purging. Late night conversations filled with dreaming and planning. Happy laughs with coworkers, at the office and after the office. Going to bed early on a weekend with zero FOMO. Hugs. 

It doesn't have to take a lifetime transition to bring happiness or change. What little moments are fueling your springtime ahead? 


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